Case Report ,

Journal of Medical and Radiation Oncology 1 (2021) 59-68, , - , .

Challenges in Diagnostic and Systemic Treatment of Metastatic Lung Atypical Carcinoid: a Case Report

Author(s) :

Vlad Mihai Croitoru1, Diana Bogdan1*, Ioana Mihaela Dinu1, Monica Ionela Miron1, Irina Mihaela Cazacu1, Ioana Niculina Luca1, Iulia Gramaticu1, Florina Buica1,2, Adina Emilia Croitoru1,2

1Department of Oncology, Fundeni Clinical Institute

2 Faculty of Medicine, “Titu Maiorescu” University Bucharest, Romania

Corresponding author: Diana Bogdan, Email:

Publication History: Received - , Revised - , Accepted - , Published Online - .

Copyright: © The author(s). Published by Casa Cărții de Știință.

User License: Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)

DOI: 10.53011/JMRO.2021.01.06









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Neuroendocrine lung tumors are rare neoplasms, with an increasing incidence in the last thirty years. Metastatic disease is rarely curable. We present the case of a 65-year-old male patient with atypical functional carcinoid of the lung and synchronous liver metastases beginning with carcinoid syndrome treated with somatostatin analogues, chemotherapy, and peptide receptor radionuclide therapy, with a good clinical response and remission of the carcinoid syndrome.

Figure 2A. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (Sep 2017): multiple intense focal uptakes in the lung and liver indicating somatostatin receptor positive lung tumor and liver metastasis.
Figure 1A. Abdominal MRI (Aug 2016): a well-defined liver lesion of 43 cm, heterogeneous and variable attenuation and other smaller hypervascular lesions.
Figure 1B. Thorax CT scan (Aug 2016): a spiculated and irregular nodule in the Fowler segment of the right lung.
Figure 2B. Jul 2019, Octreoscan with Tc-99m tektrotyd labeled somatostatin analogues: progression of the lung tumor and liver metastases



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