Author(s) :
Monica-Emilia Chirilă1
1 Amethyst Radiotherapy Centre, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Corresponding author: Monica-Emilia Chirilă, Email: monica.chirila@amethyst-radiotherapy.com
Publication History: Received - , Revised - , Accepted - , Published Online - .
Copyright: © The author(s). Published by Casa Cărții de Știință.
User License: Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)

Associate Professor Dana Stănculeanu, Medical Oncology senior doctor and also Radiation Oncologist, is the Head of the Medical Oncology department within the Oncology Institute “Prof. Dr. AL. Trestioreanu” Bucharest, President of the National Society of Medical Oncology in Romania and President of the Oncology Commission of the National Health Insurance House. She was the principal investigator in 49 international and 10 national studies, the author of 146 specialized articles and 14 books or book chapters, and has participated as the invited speaker at over 200 national and international conferences. It is also worth mentioning the fact that she graduated with a Master’s degree in Public Administration at the National School of Political and Administrative Studies. As a result of her work, she has been awarded distinctions and awards from the American Cancer Society, the Romanian Academy of Scientists, the Federation of Cancer Patient Associations, and the National Association for Patient Protection.