Editorial ,

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Foreword – The Journal of Radiation and Medical Oncology

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Publication History: Received - , Revised - , Accepted - , Published Online - .

Copyright: © The author(s). Published by Casa Cărții de Știință.

User License: Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)





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Cancer is the most prominent disease of the 21st century. With the introduction of immunotherapy over the last decade in cancer treatment armamentarium, oncology entered a new era where hope for cure in some patients with metastatic disease became real. Important basic science discoveries and clinical protocols updates in oncology happen now very fast and it is essential to provide oncology professionals accurate information about new developments in the multitude of cancer related topics like: molecular mechanisms and biology, genetics, immunology, pathophysiology, epidemiology, pathology, screening and diagnostic, predictive markers and ways of prevention, and various cancer therapies including chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, gene therapy, multimodality treatment, and palliative care.
Journal of Medical and Radiation Oncology (JMRO) is an international interdisciplinary journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles on cancer related themes and interviews with prominent specialists in the oncology field.
In order for JMRO to become an effective forum for improving knowledge on the multitude of different diseases that we commonly call “cancer”, we invite you to contribute with novel ideas, clinical observations and innovative studies that you consider relevant for your peers.
Our review process is fast and constructive. We are offering open access without publication fee and also free English proofreading. You can always write us to discuss your manuscript and we assure you that we are aiming for the highest standards of excellence and editorial consistency.
We hope that through our common efforts we will develop together this exciting oncology forum. The ultimate beneficiary of our dedication and excellence are the cancer patients and their families.

The Editorial Team

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