Author(s) :
Ioana Florescu1
1Oncology Department, Coltea Clinic Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
Corresponding author: Ioana Florescu, Email: ioana.florescu24@yahoo.com
Publication History: Received - , Revised - , Accepted - , Published Online - 1 April 2023.
Copyright: © The author(s). Published by Casa Cărții de Știință.
User License: Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)
Globally, 35 million people are infected with HIV, and this population has an increased risk of developing cancer.
We are reporting the case of a 44-year-old male patient who is HIV-positive. He is a smoker and an occasional drinker but is otherwise healthy. He was diagnosed with a visceral form of Kaposi sarcoma in January 2022 and has received 12 cycles of oncologic treatment with liposomal doxorubicin at our facility.