Cancer-related search queries in the Philippines: A trend analysis across a fifteen-year period

Publication Date : 01/02/2023

Author(s) :

Jose Ma. H. , Valerie Anne, Juan Miguel L., Juan Martin J. , Angela , Angela.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 1
(02 - 2023)

Abstract :

Analyzing the trends of internet search queries can provide rapid, unrestricted, and valuable insight on health-seeking behaviors of entire populations. More than half of the Philippine population use the internet; however, trends of search queries have rarely been analyzed. This study analyzed the trends of cancer-related search queries in the Philippines over a fifteen-year period. For the period spanning December 31, 2007 to December 31, 2022 in the Philippines, Google TrendsTM was used to compute the search volume index (SVI) for pre-selected cancer-related search terms. Two-way repeated measures analysis of variance with post-hoc Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test was performed to detect a significant difference between the search terms across the period of study and to explore the trend of these differences. There were statistically significant increases in SVI for the pre-selected terms from 2016 to 2022, indicating a significant increase in cancer-related search activity in the Philippines in recent years.

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Copyright © Journal of Medical & Radiation Oncology 2025.

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