Review Articles
ASCO 2022 Breast Cancer Updates
Alida Podrumar
Nutritional Support Indications in Patients with Gastroesophageal Cancer – A Review
Ludovica Gandullia, Irina Mihaela Cazacu, Vlad Mihai Croitoru, Paolo Gandullia
The ABCs of Aneurysmal Bone Cysts: Is there a Role for Radiation Therapy?
Jose Ma. H. Zaldarriaga, Kenneth C. Sy, Angela Peña-Camacho
Original Research
Clinical Outcomes, Treatment and Testing Patterns in Patients with Advanced Non-Small Lung Cell Cancer with Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutations: Results of the Romanian Cohort From a Multi-National Retrospective Chart Review (REFLECT)
Mircea Dediu, Aurelia Alexandru, Cristina Ligia Cebotaru, Petra Curescu, Polixenia Iorga, Bogdan Gafton, Mihai Marinca, Amedeia Nita, Mihaela Pașca Feneșan, Adrian Udrea, Roxana Lupu, Gabriela Teodorescu, Tudor E. Ciuleanu
Case Reports
Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Prostate – a Case Report
Mădălina-Cristina Negulescu, Mihaela Mihai, Iulia Magdalena Gramaticu
Second, Peculiar Recurrence of a Wilms Tumor- Pleural and Late
Andrada Turcas, Cristina Gheara, Vlad Galatan, Cristina Blag, Dana Cernea
Approach to Treatment for Breast Cancer Metastasis To the Orbit: Case Report
Adrian-Marian Radu, Ana Băncilă
Acute Tuberculosis Infection Concomitant with Nivolumab Treatment in a Patient with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Edvina E. Pîrvu, Cristina E. Cocioabă
High Tech – High Touch – the Two Sides of Radiation Oncology
Monica-Emilia Chirilă, Alessio Giuseppe Morganti