Author(s) :
Eliza Maria Voina1, Noemi-Kinga Vincze1, Jørgen van den Bogaard2, Monica Emilia Chirila3,
1 Radiation Oncology Department, Oncology Institute, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2 Fontys Paramedic University, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
3 Clinical Development Department, MVision AI, Helsinki, Finland
Corresponding author: Eliza Maria Voina, Email:
Published: III, 2, 1 October 2023, 78 - 84 DOI: 10.53011/JMRO.2023.02.10
Radiation therapists, also called Therapeutic Radiographers or Radiation therapy technologists (RTTs) are uniquely placed within the radiotherapy (RT) multidisciplinary team, as the use the technology and deliver the treatment but they are also patient focused. The implementation of technological advancements such as image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), adaptive radiotherapy (ART), surface-guided radiotherapy (SGRT), and AI-based solutions necessitates acquiring new skills and competences. RTTs’ daily involvement in patient’s treatment allows the assessment of their needs and perspectives. Implementing a holistic approach to patients’ comfort during RT, beyond positioning and immobilisation, reduces anxiety and increases compliance. The RTTs offer valuable feedback regarding potential challenges or improvements after new technology or new procedures’ implementation, essential for the enhancement of these innovations. Complex educational interventions focused on modern technology, communication and research competencies are required so that RTTs can optimally fulfil their essential role in cancer care.